Ah, charming LA, where one can swiftly go from basking in the glow of stardom at Hollywood Boulevard to taking a charming, sun-soaked drive down Malibu. But wriggle out of the typical tourist trail and you’ll welcome a more invigorating quest: finding the finest cannabis deals in town. May we present MMD Shops, your trusted aide in this adventurous journey!

Stroke of Serendipity

Ever since 2006, MMD Shops have left footprints in Southern California, spreading tranquility with four stores located strategically. We believe destiny must have brought you here today because there’s nothing more enchanting than embarking on discoveries with the most versatile cannabis shop in town.

Deals to Dazzle

MMD Shops line the Southern Californian streetscape much like palm trees on the boulevard. And just like these trees stand tall, our deals make adopting cannabis feel less like a dent on the wallet, and more like a life-enhancing decision. We wrap the finest LA cannabis into a package of affordability, quality, and a dash of humor for an elevated experience. Hop in and embrace an unparalleled cannabis journey, expertly guided by MMD Shops. LA’s best deals on Cannabis are but an MMD visit away.